"I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else. It's the way I take them OFF that makes me better than you." -Jessica park, First Comes Love
So I've been out of it for a while; we were out of power, then the internet wasn't working and just a whole bunch of other stuff that kept me from logging on. (and a sidenote: I'll be out again, seeing as how I'm going to Europe in a couple of days, and it's kinda hard to log in when you have no connection)
But when I'm not logged on, I'm reading, so I have different reviews to make up for the time I wasn't here.
I read Starcrossed and Dreamless by Josephine Angelini, Illusions and Destined by Aprilynne Pike, Easy by Tammara Webber, First Comes Love by Katie Kacvinsky, and Thomas & January by Amelie Fisher.
Starcrossed & Dreamless
This was an interesting take on the Greek Gods. In Starcrossed, we meet Helen who lives a perfectly normal, secluded life with her dad (she knows absolutely nothing about her mother). That is, until the mysterious Delos family comes to town.
The entire bunch is as good-looking as... well, Greek gods. But that doesn't stop Helen from hating their guts for no particular reason except that they're from a different House.
Once they get over the whole murderous rage thing, Lucas (one of the Delos boys) and Helen are extremely attracted to each other, but like in any YA book, and any Greek story, the hero and heroine can't be together. But as the tension builds, it gets harder to resist.
I'm not entirely sure about the plot because I don't understand if it's trying to recreate the Iliad (due to all the allusions they make to it and the repeat of the characters), but it also went off on this entirely different thing & the whole issue with the Houses was pretty confusing. The Lucas-Helen problem was also pretty frustrating, since they kept making these decisions but couldn't stick to 'em.
The way the story developed was interesting though, and the plot twists kept surprising me, especially at the end! *** 3 stars :)
Favorite Quote:
“She decided that if Lucas was gay then she was going to have to get a sex change operation. He would be so worth it.”
― Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed
*spoilers ahead! do not read if you haven't read Starcrossed*
Dreamless picks up where Starcrossed left off: badly for Lucas & Helen since they can't be together due to the fact that they're "cousins" & Greek tragedies are known for the chaos that comes from incestuous relationships. But, fear not! there's a new guy in the picture. Put your hands together for... Orion! (Whom I really like by the way. Is it bad that I'm rooting for the other guy?)
Orion helps Helen in the Underworld and he's a friend to her when she can't be with Lucas. There's also a new bad guy! duhn duhn DUHN!
The plot grabbed me more than Starcrossed and the characters have improved; Helen is considerably more bad ass, Lucas is more sensitive-mysterious, Claire was more prominent, supportive & funnier, and Matt was awesome in the first book and he was awesome now too.
Also, if Helen doesn't want Orion, can I keep him?
The action in this book was much more dramatic, and that ending will have me reading the third book. **** 4 stars! <3
Favorite Quote:
“Helen decided that the saying about "time healing all wounds" was a bunch of bull and probably only worked for people with very poor memories. The time she's spent apart from Lucas hadn't healed anything. The distance only made her miss him more.”
― Josephine Angelini, Dreamless
― Josephine Angelini, Dreamless
Illusions & Destined

Illusions is the third book in the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike. The entire concept is super interesting. I wasn't too fond of the love triangle 'cause David seemed more like a friend, not a boyfriend. I'm team Tam all the way. But the flower people (in the literal sense) are totally captivating! I didn't like Spells too much, I don't know exactly why, but it bored me & I had given up on the series 'till I stumbled on Destined in goodreads & it got me curious. yay! for curiosity! who says it killed the cat? It got me back on this series!
I expected the ending for both Illusions and Destined, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the plot as it unfolded.
I don't hink I can review them separately, so I'll just say that everything I loved about Wings came back three-fold. The characters' chemistry, the drama, action, the cleverly placed remark that makes me giggle like a two-year-old. & that ending!! the letter really gave me closure but (spoiler! skip this part if you don't like 'em) I'd love an epilogue for Tam & Laurel! (hint, hint, ;) Ms. Pike)
**** 4 stars for Illusions
***** 5 stars for Destined
Favorite Quotes:
“He'd been back for about two weeks, and everything in Laurel's life had been thrown into Chaos. Sexy, sexy chaos.”
― Aprilynne Pike, Illusions
― Aprilynne Pike, Illusions
“I think I could have won state today. Apparently, you put a troll on my heels and I turn into a superstar.”
― Aprilynne Pike, Destined
― Aprilynne Pike, Destined
Easy by Tammara Webber was easy to choose... Incredibly easy. (For those of you who read it, you'll see what I did there)
but, WOW!! Emm... I don't know how to review this book; it was a gratifying read to say the least. Nice to read something that's not just fluff. This book dealt with a variety of real-life issues. From the more common and less threatening ones like stupid boys & broken hearts to serious and dangerous ones like rape, murder, and a person's future.
I loved Lucas and Erin. Erin's back bone got Jacqueline through a lot and Lucas' support was great. I also admire Jacqueline for not giving up.
The writing style was great and the characters were unique and refreshing. I'm going to cut my review short because I feel like I'll just get repetitive about the things I loved... which is the entire book. :-)
4.5 stars *****
Favorite Quote:
“You're full of contradictions, Ms. Wallace."
I looked up at him and arched a brow. "I'm a girl. That's part of the job description, Mr. Maxfield.” ― Tammara Webber, Easy
First Comes Love
This book is going down in my all-time favorites! I'll be re-reading this over and over and over again. Where to start? The characters of course! I love how Dylan was so eccentric and her point of view on life was different, but it makes you think. And Gray. Poor Gray. No wonder he was like that. He needed someone like Dylan to bring him back to life & boy did she!
I love the way the story progressed; you could see each one opening up to other and their little adventures made me jealous. I'm even inspired to take a page from Dylan's book & be a bit more spontaneous.
Teh same way Dylan brought Gray to life, Gray centered Dylan. He gave her a home and I loved that. This was such a great read, I don't even know how to describe it properly. all i kow is great is not strong enough.
Favorite Quote:
"Take life seriously. That you have to do. Don't take yourself seriously, that's the key. Let it all go. Don't care for a second what people think of you. In fact, go out of your way to keep them guessing."
-Katie Kacvinsky, First Comes Love